Thursday, February 17, 2011

Handmade Chaps and Leggins

Here is sample of the leggins that I make.  These were made last summer for a cowboy here in the Panhandle.  They are step-in, Texas bell chaps with full fringe, outside pockets, lots of buckstitching, and handmade hardware by Jade Winkles of Shallowater, Texas.  This is a nice pair of using chaps that can definitely be used in the show pen!  Contact me with any questions or for price quotes at 210-913-3884!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Im lookin for a good all around pair of shotgun chaps,I'm a workin cowboy on a 6500 head feedlot ride pens nothing real fancy but alittle looks to them won't hurt.Kinda leanin' towards Elk or I'm open for any suggestions,would really like to from ya if you have time I like your example.. S.L.Munns
