We ended up have 10 people at the Hosrmanship and Stockmanship Clinic. We also only had a one day event. The Ranch Cutting and second day were cancelled. Although we had changes, the outcome, in my opinion, was incredible. There were some really great horses and really great riders!
The morning session was horsemanship. We went over some drills to soften and shape your horse. The process with these drills allows the horse to become soft and supple while learning to collect in the process. If you follow the process your horse will become willing and able to ride into the bridle and perform some really nice maneuvers. Those in attendance talked about how much they learned and how much confidence they developed. That is is my goal, to instill cofidence and offer a better deal for the horse.
The second session was stockmanship, learning how to work cattle with your horse. It was a fun, exciting, and fast time! We had some good cattle that really helped develop horses. I have included some pics of the cattle work session. The riders also experienced some moves to help with cowhorse and cutting competitions.
All in all, it was a fantastic way to spend our Saturday. I would like to thank Allen Scott for the use of the Silver Sands Arena and Curtis Allen for providing the stock. Thank you to Amanda White of Blackwater Photography for the great photos! I would like to thank God for the opportunity I have to work with great people and great horses! If you would like to join us for the next clinic or have horsemanship or stockmanship questions, call me at the number provided or check back on this blog. Thanks and GOOD HORSEMANSHIP!