Well, here we are at Springtime, again! Time for calves, lambs, kids, foals, and hopefully a few green things. As far as we are concerned here in the Panhandle of Texas, green may be a hard thing to see, especially after the winter wheat starts turning brown. It is hot (a record high today of somewhere around 97), dry, and windy, and as we look down the road, no end in sight.
As I share a couple of pictures of some heifers that I was caring for with their new babies, I thought I would write a quick thought. As you can see by the pictures, it is still extremely dry. I have been running these heifers for a man on stalks through the winter. About half have calved. We made a decision today to ship them to a feed yard for now. The grass I was going to put them on is non-existent. Rain is surely needed!
As I was driving home today, I began to think about the progression of life. Things still go on, maybe only slowing temporarily due to weather, but life still happens. These heifers just keep having babies, eating what they can, caring for their calves, drinking water, existing. It made me think about what the Bible says about our lives. God gives us life and life more abundantly! Even though the cattle market is crazy, feed is expensive, crop production is down, wells are pumping less, God still promises us abundant life!
It is very simple, God just wants a real relationship with us. In exchange for the personal relationship He gives us the desires of our hearts! The problem lies within us. We want what we want when we want it! Many times the relationship is there when we have time or when we need something. All we have to do is trust Him wholeheartedly (with everything), and He will take care of the rest. I am not saying I have accomplished this and things are always great. What I am saying is that I am trying to work on that relationship daily. When I do this, things suddenly don't look so bleak, and my attitude is mysteriously better! The world keeps turning, and I can finally see my place in it through God!
I don't know what the future holds, when it will rain again, or if I will even make it through tomorrow. But what I DO know is that it is totally under control when I put my trust in the Lord. Thanks so much, God, for the plans you have for my life! Give me the strength to live life for You!